Category: Uncategorized

  • Investing in Peace

    I am not a military man, but to my uneducated eyes, Israel doesn’t seem to actually control much territory in Gaza. Instead, Israel seems to be continually discomfiting both the fighters and the population in the hope of reducing their access to weapons. In other words, the people can move from point A to point…

  • Aid Corrupts, then Kills

    About 10 years ago I was at a bus stop on the outskirts of Jerusalem. It was 4:15 in the morning and there were only two people at the bus stop: myself and a Palestinian man about my age. He looked far, far older. His skin was weathered, and his gaunt body had the look…

  • A War Between Peoples

    I am not a lover of Hamas, but they are entirely truthful about one reality. In their highly questionable casualty claims, they make no distinction between civilians and military deaths. The only distinctions are between women, children and men. To Israeli eyes, this seems like it is simply an attempt to hide their own military deaths.…

  • Why Gaza is Not Germany or Japan

    Those who favor nation-building often note that there have been several examples in which external forces have successfully reshaped societies under occupation. These people often point to Germany and Japan. Once the power structures of the Meiji Restoration were suppressed, it was possible to drastically reshape Japanese society. The same was true with the suppression…

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